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Belated Welcome Party


It has been almost 1.5 years since the Vastenhouw lab relocated to Lausanne. The lab moved and settled into their new home during the second wave of COVID-19, a time when social distancing was the norm. On May 5th, 2022, the CIG organized a belated Welcome Apéro for our lab, as well as the Vještiča lab fun guys (pun intended). Prof. Alexandre Reymond, director of the CIG, took to the stage and welcomed everybody. Nadine and Aleks Vještiča then each gave a speech and acknowledged the people who made the move and transition to the CIG as smooth and as fun as it can be. The FISH n' YEAST Apéro brought about a lively late afternoon and evening to the CIG.

Many thanks to our wonderful colleagues for giving us a warm start at the CIG, and we look forward to more fond memories to come! Thank you to Julie Papet for putting together this apéro and providing us with a wonderful menu of local foods and drinks!


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