On Thursday, February 9th, 2023, the Fish Room at the Center of Integrated Genomics was inaugurated. The event welcomed 150 people to the institute. Prof. Alexandre Reymond, former CIG Director, kicked off the first of three speeches. He thanked Nadine for joining the institute, as there would be no fish facility had she not joined. Nadine then followed with her speech acknowledging the support from UNIL and the firms involved in building of the new fish room, and Gilles!! The final speech was from Alain Dayer, project leader architect of the Fish Room, who spoke on behalf of the Unibat - Service des bâtiments et travaux (UNIL's Building and Works Department). Mr Dayer acknowledged all the people involved in the works, and provided us with the timeline and deliveries over the course of this project. The event continued with an apéro and a video compiled by Maciej, which featured photos of the construction of the Fish Room. Members of the Vastenhouw lab gave guided tours of the new fish room.
Big thank you also to Gilles, who's been overseeing the development and building of the Fish Room. In mid-January, the first set of zebrafish entered the new Fish Room to "seed" the new system, making sure a safe environment and proper measures are in place for future fish to come. Currently, there are two groups at the CIG who use zebrafish as a model organism, the labs of Nadine Vastenhouw and Alexandre Reymond.
See how the works in the fish room were progressing over time!